About Us

Bodyxcore is the premiere all-in-one fitness solution that provides a workout. Like no other for anyone, anywhere, at anytime.

Starting with a dream

Came to fruition through a dream from being a frustrated consumer needing equipment to train with. After a long struggle with trying to find the perfect fitness product that I could use whilst on-the-go, dreamt of a sports product to help solve my problem.


After some time brainstorming and sketching out my initial ideas, I got my hands on some materials and what I produced was the first working prototype of bodyxcore. After re-working, re-drafting, and re-building my initial prototype a number of times, I finally ended up with the first fully working edition of the bodyxcore workout system.

Five years later

Some five years later and after feeling the benefits of the workout system that I created, I am finally ready to take bodyxcore to market, and play my part in helping people feel better in themselves through the power of fitness.

a workout solution like no other..

With the sole purpose of providing a fitness solution that helps and empowers people, bodyxcore© provides a workout solution like no other for anyone, anywhere, at anytime -and that’s where bodyxcore wants to help you!